
Chris Fredricksen

PRINT Resumé

Relevant Experience

  • Javascript & Typescript

    Working knowledge of Javascript, ES6+, Async/Await, Methods, Objects, OOP & functional programming. Familiar with typing using Typescript and JSDocs.

  • CSS 3 & Sass

    Ability to design a page using colors and fonts with layout. Proficient with Sass, CSS variables, CSS Grid, Flexbox, Cascading Stylesheets, and Responsive Designs.

  • HTML 5

    I can put the content on the page and know how to format the head, use classes & IDs, import fonts & stylesheets and develop forms.

  • Nodejs & NPM

    I use Node and NPM with every project, to run scripts, start servers, download packages and much more.

  • Express JS, Mongoose, MongoDb Atlas

    Ability to build a server and an app, using CRUD functions, routing, controllers, models and testing HTTP routes using Postman or REST Client.

  • Svelte & SvelteKit

    I really love these tools, I find them very intuitive for combining the elements of the projects. It is also very light and fast. I have done some work with ReactJS and VueJS, but am focused on Svelte right now.

  • VSCode, Powershell, Notepad++, Git Bash & Vim

    Proficient and efficient use of various editors and shells. Knowledge of settings, keyboard shortcuts, built in tools such as emmet and extensions in VSCode. I use Powershell for all file & directory manipulation, and Git Bash for all Git functions. Notepad++ to open files for quick viewing or edits.

  • Windows, Mac & Linux

    Lots of experience with all 3 major operating sysytems, also used MSDos long ago.

  • Google & Chrome

    Ability to find solutions and answers to programming problems and bugs, use documentation provided by developers to learn and understand tools, debug software and CSS using Chrome.

  • Git, GitHub & Netlify

    Knowledge of Version control using local repos and GitHub for online repos. My Beginners Guide to Git & Github. I also deploy some websites to Netlify, using GitHub for continuous deployment.

  • WordPress & WooCommerce

    Over ten years of experience building WordPress sites. I have built stores using Woo Commerce and know how to customize themes.

Work History

There is more detail on my printable resumé, linked above. Thank you.

I have spent many years freelancing part time while I was raising my kids full time. My kids are grown now and I am ready to start the next phase of my life. I have worked as a developer and graphic designer for myself and others, doing everything from monthly newsletters, book editing, blogs, brochure sites, e-commerce sites, documentation sites, and more. I have also sold various things from books to artwork on Ebay, Amazon and Etsy. I have also done different types of volunteer work over the years including starting a non-profit for a state park in Florida and teaching Tai Chi to seniors.

I have had jobs working in retail, food service, health care, tourism, and natural resources. It has been over twenty years since I have held down a job(w-2) for an employer.

Over the past few years I have been selling paintings locally through shows and online. Most of my time has been spent coding and expanding my knowledge and skills.
